Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How green are you

Hello everyone!

Since I have memorie I`m considered a green person, when i was a child always try to put the garbage in the thash can and stimulate or oblige to others childs or my parents and family to do. Some times my bag was full of papers or garbage because I don´t find a trash can in the street. Thats was my first approach whit the enviroment care.
Now more aware with this enormus problem try to contaminate a litlle as possible. Is difficult but I think that with litle acts I contribute to the environment care.
I separate de garbage in plastic, glass, paper and organic. With the organic make compost who serve to fertizer my garden, in the future I expect obtain methane gas as of the orgaic garbage and use to heating a greenhouse or my house. I like that my house was a sustentable house, that reduce the enviroment impact and can be a savings to me.
I reuse things that other people consider trash and I practice the barter with other persons.
I think the bigest problem with the polution and contamination is in the politic and economy, the interest of private are avobe the people welfare.

Thats all for today

see on next class.